Home Manila's "Last Lung" Needs Stronger Protection Now More Than Ever
Home Manila's "Last Lung" Needs Stronger Protection Now More Than Ever

Manila's "Last Lung" Needs Stronger Protection Now More Than Ever

Nestled amidst the bustling cityscape of Manila lies a sanctuary of green: the Arroceros Forest Park. Often hailed as the city's "last lung," this 2.2-hectare haven boasts over 3,000 trees and 8,000 vibrant plants. Remarkably, the park's dense foliage creates a microclimate a cool 5°C lower than the rest of Manila, a welcome respite from the city's scorching heat.

This urban oasis is a haven for both humans and wildlife. Here, up to 30 species of resident and migratory birds flit through the branches, while residents and visitors alike can enjoy a variety of activities. Jogging paths weave beneath the shade of the canopy, while elevated walkways offer scenic views. A koi pond provides a meditative ambiance, and a playground keeps the little ones entertained. After a day of exploration, a charming coffee shop beckons for relaxation and refreshment.

But the story of Arroceros Forest Park goes beyond its verdant beauty. The land holds a rich history. Once the bustling Parian settlement, this area was the heart of Manila's commerce in the 16th and 17th centuries. Today, the park stands as a testament to the city's evolution and serves as a vital green space, promoting environmental awareness and fostering community engagement in sustainability efforts. 

Securing a Sustainable Future

However, the park's future requires commitment. Currently, the Arroceros Forest Park is maintained by a non-government organization with limited resources. Many visitors aren't fully aware of the park's critical role in the city's ecological health. 

Thankfully, the park is protected by Manila City Ordinance 8607, signed into law in February 2020. This ordinance prohibits a range of activities that could harm the park, including harming plants and animals, digging, littering, vandalism, and unauthorized construction. Violators face fines or even jail time.

By raising public awareness and collaborating with these organizations, the AFP can be better protected. Additionally, securing funding and resources for maintenance and conservation efforts will ensure the park's long-term sustainability.

Beyond its ecological importance, Arroceros Forest Park serves as a reminder of the crucial role green spaces play in urban environments. It offers a refuge from the city's chaos, providing fresh air and a place for recreation and relaxation. As Manila continues to grow, it's vital to protect and nurture such green havens for the well-being of both the city and its inhabitants. So, the next time you find yourself in the concrete jungle, take a moment to seek solace and inspiration in this remarkable urban oasis.

━━ Written by Metroscene Mag and  Marian Kate Caula

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